Frequently Asked Questions
How does KAGWIRAWO work?
  • Go to sign up and register
  • Deposit money
  • Select games
  • Place your stake
What taxes are paid?
The Uganda Revenue Authority imposes a Withholding Tax (WHT) of 15% on customer winnings. For example: if your total winnings are UGX 10,000; KAGWIRAWO will pay into you wallet UGX 8,500 and retain (UGX 1,500) as tax, to be remitted to Uganda Revenue Authority.
How much can I stake on a bet?
Minimum stake is UGX 500 (Five hundred Uganda Shillings Only). The more you stake, the higher your winnings will be.
What is the maximum payout?
Our maximum payout is UGX 20,000,0000 (Twenty Million Uganda Shillings only) per bet.
How much can I withdraw in a day?
By default, you can withdraw a maximum of UGX 2,000,000 (Two Million Uganda Shillings) per day. This is for your own protection in case your account gets compromised, your money is safe with KAGWIRAWO. If you want to be able to adjust your withdrawal limit please to get in touch with us. KAGWIRAWO reserves the right, at our own discretion, to determine what this limit should be for each customer.
How do I reset my password?
Follow the 'Reset Password' link from the top of the page just below the login
  1. Enter your phone number
  2. Click then "Reset password" button.
  3. Check your inbox (email or SMS), depending on the account ID you choose to use for password retrieval
How do I deposit money?
Once you register with KAGWIRAWO, you get two accounts; one on mobile and usable when accessing the service through USSD and another online account, which you use online at
The 2 accounts operate independent of each. To transfer money from one to the other, you need to first do a withdraw from the source Account to you phone number’s Mobile Money account, and there after deposit from you Mobile Money account into the destination Account.
Online Account
  1. Press the “DEPOSIT” button or go to “My Account” -> “Deposit”
  2. Enter the money you want to deposit into your account and press “DEPOSIT”
  3. Enter your Mobile Money PIN prompt on your phone
UUSD Account (MTN Uganda):
  1. Log in to your Kagwirawo account
  2. Go to; "My Account" -> "Deposit"
  3. Enter the amount and reason and click the "Deposit" button
  4. Then; dial *165# and to to "8) My Account"; select "2) My Approvals"
  5. Enter your PIN, then select the payment from the list of pending payments
  6. Approve the payment
Your money will instantly reflect on your account and you can go ahead and bet with your Kagwirawo balance.
USSD Account (Airtel Uganda)
  1. Dial *185#
  2. Select "5. Payments"
  3. Select "3. BETTING and GAMING"
  4. Select "2. Kagwirawo"
  5. Select "2. Deposit"
  6. Enter the amount you wish to deposit into your Kagwirawo account.
  7. Enter the reason for your deposit.
  8. Approve the payment by entering your PIN.
Your money will instantly reflect on your account and you can go ahead and bet with your Kagwirawo balance.
How do I withdraw money?
  1. Log in to your Kagwirawo account
  2. Go to; "My Account" -> "Withdraw"
  3. Enter the amount and click the "Withdraw" button
Your money will instantly reflect on your Mobile Money account. You'll get confirmation SMS of the transaction. You can go ahead and withdraw cash from any MTN/Airtel Mobile Money agent.
Kagwirawo JackPot
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is A JackPot?
Jackpot is a pool of games where punters bet on pre-selected football matches throughout the week.
2.Type of Jackpots?
  • Pick 13 at a stake of 200 (5,000,000 Jackpot)
    In this type of Jackpot, a Player must select correctly all the outcomes for all 13 matches to win/share the 5,000,000 UGX. There are also cash winnings for 13 and 12 correct predictions. The prizes may vary in size from week to week. The exact amounts will be disclosed once the pool has been settled. Please note that in case there is more than 1 winner, prize pool will be shared
  • Pick 7 at a stake of 500 (2,500,000 Jackpot)
    In this type of Jackpot, a Player must select correctly all the outcomes for all 7 matches to win/share the 2,500,000 UGX. Please note that in case there is more than 1 winner, prize pool will be shared
3 .What is a Jackpot line in betting?
A jackpot line is the number of times a punter wishes to select the displayed options on a particular event
4. What is the minimum stake for betting on a Jackpot?
  • The minimum stake for betting on the 5 million Jackpot is 200
  • The minimum stake for betting on the 2.5 million Jackpot is 500